Allahabad university BA 3rd year Economics syllabus 2023-24 {100%}


Allahabad university BA 3rd year Economics syllabus 2023-24 {100%}

(टिप्पणी :- प्रश्न पत्र प्रथम, द्वितीय तथा तृतीय अनिवार्य हैं। प्रश्न पत्र चतुर्थ तथा प्रश्न पत्र पंचम में से कोई एक प्रश्न पत्र चुनिये।)


1. Q.1 will be compulsory and based on units I-IV. It will have two parts. Part A shall consist of six multiple choice type objective questions of one mark each. Part B shall consist of four short answer questions of 75-100 words of 3 marks each.

2. Q.2 to Q. 5 will be long answer questions of 8 marks each. 

3. Q. 2 will be from Unit I, Q. 3 will be from Unit II, Q. 4 will be from Unit III and Q. 5 will be from Unit IV. Each Unit will have two questions with internal choice ont of which only one question is to be answered.



The Theory of Imperfect Competition, Duopoly, Oligopoly. Collusive and Non-collusive Oligopoly, Cournot, Bertrand, Edgeworth, Stackleberg, Chamberlin's Small Group Oligopoly Model, The Kinded Demand Curve, Cartels: Joint Profit Maximization and Market Sharing Cartels.


Monopolistic Competition Models, The Criticism of Marginalist Approach to the Theory of the Firm, Welfare Economics: The Criteria of Social Welfare, The National Income Criteria, The Hedonist; The Cardinal Approach to Social Welfare, Pareto Optimality, Kaldor- Hicks Compensation Principle; Bergson's Social Welfare Function.


Criticism of Keynesian System, Pigou Effect and Wealth Effect. Limitations of the Keynesian Consumption Function and Alternative Specifications (Duesenberry, Friedman-An Elementary Analysis). Hicks-Hansen Elaboration of IS-LM: An Elementary Analysis. Theory of Investment: Concept and Theory of Accelerator: Multiplier- Accelerator Interaction: Hicks and Samuelson's Theory of Trade Cycle (Non-Mathematical Treatment).


The Harrod Problem, Nature of Steady State, Neo-Classical Growth Models: Solow, Joan Robinson. Elementary Treatment o General Equilibrium Theory: Input-OutputAnalysis; Linear Programming.




Basis of International Trade. Theories of International Trade: Adam Smith, Ricardo. J.S. Mill's Theory of Reciprocal Demand. Marshall- Edgeworth Offer Curve, Haberler's Opportunity Cost Theory: Heckscher's Critique of Classical Theory.


Terms of Trade and Gains from Trade: Kinds of Terms of Trade, Factors Influencing Terms of Trade, Prebisch Singer Model, Relation between Terms of Trade and Gains from Trade. Immiserizing Growth Theory. Balance of Payments: Meaning, Definition, and Illustration: Disequilibrium in BOP


Exchange Rates: Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Balance of Payments Theory. Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates. Spot and Forward. Free Trade and Protection, Exchange Control Infant Industry Argument, Instruments of protection: Tariff, Quota and Devaluation, Exchange Control.Measures for correction in BOP.


International financial and trade Institutions and RTA's: IMF, IBRD. GATT, UNCTAD, ASEAN, SAARC, FDI: Concept and Importance for developing countries.



General Objectives of Economic Policy in Developing Countries. Unemployment and Poverty: A General Overview & Policies Population Policy: National Population Policy and Population Policy of Uttar Pradesh.

Environmental Problems & National Environment Policy


Industrial Policy: Role and Objectives

Industrial Policy of India

Private and Public Sector

Competition Act

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Policies

Energy Sector: Problems and Energy Policy


Agricultural Policy in India: Objectives and Overview Community Development Project and Panchayati Raj

Rural Development Programme

Agricultural Price Policy

Food Policy and The Public Distribution System


Foreign Trade Policy: Mesures for Maintaining Balance of Payments

Major Programmes of Export Promotion

Exchange Rate Policy

Foreign Direct Investment & Foreign Portfolio Investment

Policies towards Foreign Capital Inflows



History of Economic Doctrines: Nature and Importance,

Mercantilism Nature and Characteristics.


Classical Political Thinkers and their ideas: Adam Smith, Ricardo,

Malthus, J.S. Mill.


Utopian Socialism: Thomas Moore, Saint Simon, Pierre Joseph

Proudhon, Robert Owen

Scientific Socialism: Marx and Engles.

The Marginalist Revolution: Jevons, Menger and Walras


Neo-Classical Thought-Marshall, Wicksell, Pigou, Wiser.

Classical Critique: J M Keynes.


Indian Economic Thought: Kautilya,

Early National Economic Thinking: Naoroji, R.C. Dutt.

The Economic Ideas of Gandhi,Nehru, J.K. Mehta, Vinoba Bhave and B.R. Ambedkar.



Nature of Mathematical Economics, Market Equilibrium: Partial and General.

Elementary Idea of Difference Equations and their uses, i.e Lagged Economic Relationships in Market Equilibrium (Cobweb Model). Concept of Matrices and Determinants and their Applications- Elementary Treatment of Input-Output Model.


Differentiation of First and Higher Orders and Interpretations- Maxima and Minima and their Application in Economics (eg. Profit, Cost, Revenue, etc.) Convexity, Concavity and Point of Inflexion: concepts and their uses.


Partial Differential Coefficients, Total Differential Coefficients and their Applications. Homogeneous Functions: Cobb-Douglas Production Function: Concept, Uses and Applications of Optimization. Constrained Maxima and Minima in Economics.


Probability: Definition, Addition and Multiplication Theorems. Normal Distribution and its Properties. Simple Integration and its Uses. Elementary Idea of Differential Equations and their Uses: Simple Growth Models. Consumer surplus and Producer's Surplus.

 Allahabad university BA 3rd year syllabus 2023-24 -Download 

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